Great Zi Char Dishes – RI 14 Bros Lunch @ 7th Miles Seafood on 26Feb2019

roast duck S$36 for whole

today we had our regular meet-ups to celebrate the jan & feb birthdays of RI 14 bros on 26.2.2019. ^^

the organisers (nov/dec birthday boys TCH, HAB, YKK, LCM) arranged a 6miles walk at BTNR. after the hike we adjourned to lunch at 7th miles seafood.

roast duck S$36 for whole

the roast duck looked great, so we ordered.

it was very good! pang and great chilli..i will come back for this roast duck.

fish maw soup

fish maw soup

fish maw soup was good enough. quite tasty.

but not quite the standard of beng thin. beng thin’s fish maw soup is thicker and chokeful of ingredients. see the photo here on 31.10.2016.

this one here slightly more watery. still good by most zi char standard.

garlic steamed sotong

garlic steamed sotong

the garlic steamed sotong was an excellent dish.

basically it is HK steam ie light soy sauce based with loads of garlic on top. and the sotong was done just right, not like many places which overcook the sotong.

this a real simple dish. i will serve this at my next dinner. 🙂

HK steamed la la

lala also hk steamed.

this one was done well, not like the ones overcooked at crab at bay recently on 11.2.2019.

some friends said the sauce a bit salty. it is good for eating with plain rice, similar to steamed razor clam dishes.

hae choe

the hae choe was actually pretty good, crispy and the fillings were tasty.

it was a huge piece and S$2.50 per piece a tad expensive. of course many zi char would charge you S$8 or S$10 for 10 pieces maybe, which maybe not bigger than this one 4 pieces?


harjeongai was good!

crispy batter, good prawn paste flavours, chicken was tasty and not old, not overdone…


spinach was ordinary, actually not so good, a bit ”siap” and also tough.

i do a better dish anytime, lol!

crab beehoon – RI 14 bro zichar lunch

crab beehoon

crab beehoon was the signature dish here, the main item.

the organisers ordered 3 servings = S$224.

price wise it was not specially expensive as the crabs were large and 1kg+. if only the beehoon was good! crab was tasty, sweet, mostly thoink “strong”. somehow the beehoon was not well infused with the broth, a bit dry and not so tasty.

really, my own white beehoon is much more tasty than this la! mine had really intense stock and beehoon was fully infused and very tasty.

7th mile seafood zi char menu

S$475 for 14pax

dinner was S$475 for 14pax excluding the S$36 roast duck

crab beehoon

the 6miles walk was excellent, healthy, good air, good exercise.

this 7miles lunch a good and satisfying meal after the walk.

c.h.e.f andy


7th miles seafood


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