Seafood Fried Rice

#8 spicy seafood fried rice

spicy seafood fried rice

wife had appointment & children eating out this evening.

no dinner plans. found a packet of leftover rice (1 bowl maybe) in the fridge. don’t feel like doing anything else so did a fried rice in double quick time. 🙂

defrosted a packet of prawns (about 10 pieces), shelled & cut off the heads & kept for stock. defrosted a large squid, took off the red skin, dice-cut the body. i seasoned both the squid & prawns separately with little bit fish sauce & white pepper. then put a piece of butter on pan on medium high till quite hot then fried the prawns. then removed the prawns & fried the squid.

seafood fried rice

seafood fried rice

seafood fried rice

seafood fried rice

seafood fried rice

seafood fried rice

seafood fried rice

seafood fried rice

for the rice, i added 2 tablespoon olive oil, put on medium high heat, added 2 tablespoon garlic & 1.5 tablespoon of the sichuan spicy chilli sauce. then i added the rice & break up the crumby parts with the ladle & let the chilli coat the rice grains. immediately i pushed rice aside, cracked 2 eggs & let the white firmed a bit, then spread over the rice, and mixed for 1 minute. then added the prawns & squid & off the fire, tossed a little & put out on the serving dish. then i added the chopped spring onions. voila!

the whole process including defrosting the prawns & squid, about 15minutes. 🙂

after whatsapping the photos, both son & daughter decided to eat some before going out, so we polished off rather quickly. 🙂

#8 spicy seafood fried rice

spicy seafood fried rice

i did the same fried rice with more elaborate preparations recently during a 9pax 12-course dinner for my friends on 15.7.2014 which everyone liked it a lot. this evening’s was i think just as good.

looking at the photo of the real thing – crystal jade lamian xiaolongbao seafood fried rice, i guess it was still kind of far off. both my children though liked it quite a lot, and they felt the rice was very good too. the rice were individual grains well coated not mushy & nice & fragrant. good wok hae! 🙂

c.h.e.f andy