Hand Tear Chicken手撕鸡 on 7Mar2017

hand tear chicken手撕鸡7mar2017

one quite unique dish we had during our recent really fun 4pax OPS primary school buddies hong kong eat & hike trip 20-24.2.2017 was hand tear chicken手撕鸡.

手撕鸡 had tear chicken @ minsheng daipaidong 民声冰室  was very impressive. chicken was sweet, tender yet not soft & had good bite, a bit stringy yet not sinewy or chewy. very good i think.

hand tear chicken手撕鸡7mar2017

i googled the recipe & made a 手撕鸡 hand tear chicken myself at home after my return. it was not bad as a first attempt. i had the texture but not yet the taste, my marinade needed some improvements/adjustments.

hand tear chicken手撕鸡7mar2017

i repeated it for a 8pax OPS friends dinner on 7.3.2017.

this time the marinade was good, & my friends all liked it. 🙂

hand tear chicken – poached chicken

my preparation/recipe is similar to that for poached chicken 白斩鸡.

i used 1/2 chicken. made chicken stock using bones of 1 chicken & 1 cut large carrot. added 1 bulb garlic cloves, 1 medium red onions quartered, few stalks of spring onions, 2cm cut ginger. boiled chicken (immersed) for 12 mins, off fire & poached for 25mins.

hand tear chicken – poached chicken

then quenched in ice water to stop cooking.

hand tear chicken – poached chicken

hand tear chicken – poached chicken

& put in the fridge to dry.

for this hand tear chicken手撕鸡, i feel that the dry should be more taut & dry & stringy, so i left it in the fridge for longer, about 5hrs.

roasted sesame

i pan-roasted 3tbsp sesame seeds.

hand tear chicken手撕鸡2mar2017

then separated the skin, cut/tear in rectangular pieces, & tore the chicken flesh in strips.


hand tear chicken手撕鸡2mar2017

& then mixed in first the condiments, then the roasted sesame seeds.

for the condiments – i used 2tsp fish sauce, 1tbsp light soy sauce, 1tsp oyster sauce, 2tsp sesame oil, 1/2 tsp dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp goma sauce.

hand tear chicken手撕鸡2mar2017

then covered with the skin & added some more roasted sesame


hand tear chicken手撕鸡2mar2017

and 当当 voila, the hand tear chicken手撕鸡.

the flesh is moist & tender & nicely/lightly flavoured with the concdiments & roasted sesame, quite flavourful.

for me, it was an interesting dish, a change certainly, may not be my most favoured style for chicken preparation,

c.h.e.f andy


  • 1/2 chicken
  • 1litre chicken stock (using bones of 1 chicken & 1 cut large carrot)
  • 1 bulb garlic cloves
  • 1 medium red onions quartered
  • few stalks of spring onions
  • 2cm cut ginger

for condiments mix-

  • 2tsp fish sauce
  • 1tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1tsp oyster sauce
  • 2tsp sesame oil
  • 1/2 tsp dark soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp goma sauce.


  1. make 1 litre chicken stock using bones of 1 chicken & 1 cut large carrot.
  2. add 1 bulb garlic cloves, red onions, spring onions, cut ginger to 1litre chicken stock in a deep ducth oven & bring to boil
  3. cover & boil chicken for 12 mins, off fire & poach for another 25mins
  4. quench in ice water to stop cooking
  5. put in the fridge to dry for 5hrs
  6. separate the skin, cut/tear in rectangular pieces, & tear the chicken flesh in strips
  7. mix in first the condiments, then the roasted sesame seeds.
  8. plate the dish, cover with skin, & add some roasted sesame

Almost Perfect Steamed Pork Ribs on 2mar2017

steamed pork ribs 2mar2017

my FB post on 2.3.2017-

  • now my steamed pork ribs about perfect=about 250g ribs…2tsp fish sauce 1 tsp light soy sauce 1tsp sesame oil 1 tsp oyster sauce 1 tsp corn flour steamed 1hr

returning from our recent really fun 4pax OPS primary school buddies hong kong eat & hike trip 20-24.2.2017, i made the HK claypot rice 腊味饭 a few times with the duck liver sausages i bought in hong kong.

steamed pork ribs 25feb2017

i thought it might be quite plain with just sausage, so i steamed some pork ribs and added to the claypot rice.

steamed pork ribs 25feb2017

i had wanted to make the dimsum restaurant styled steamed pork ribs anyway.

steamed pork ribs 7.3.2017

it was easy to make. as my FB post said, just-

  1. wash with salt & scald 250g pork ribs (i used pork soft bones which is the ones served at dimsum
  2. add 2tsp fish sauce, 1 tsp light soy sauce, 1tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp corn flour & mix well
  3. put in a small receptacle & steam for 1hr (i did not want the condensed steam to dilute the sauce.

& that is the perfect pork ribs (or pork soft bones). the steaming makes the pork ribs very tender & moist.

this not quite the dimsum restaurant pork ribs as i did not have & did not use black beans.

but it is just as good anyway la!

c.h.e.f andy


  • 250g pork soft bones
  • 2tsp fish sauce
  • 1 tsp light soy sauce
  • 1tsp sesame oil
  • 1 tsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tsp corn flour


  1. wash with salt & scald 250g pork ribs (i used pork soft bones which is the ones served at dimsum
  2. add 2tsp fish sauce, 1 tsp light soy sauce, 1tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp corn flour & mix well
  3. put in a small receptacle & steam for 1hr (i did not want the condensed steam to dilute the sauce.



Best HK Claypot Rice 腊味饭 on 7Mar2017

HK claypot rice 腊味饭 25.2.2017

HK claypot rice 腊味饭 25.2.2017

during our recent really fun 4pax OPS primary school buddies hong kong eat & hike trip 20-24.2.2017,

we bought some pork sausage & liver sausage (both duck liver & pig liver, & so we were all very keen to try these out at home) at-

  1. fa yuen street market 花园街街市; and also at
  2. shau kei wan wet street market.

腊味饭 claypot rice @ chuen mun kee 銓满记

that also prompted a friend to suggest dinner at a hong kong claypot restaurant.

so we found & enjoyed a delicious dinner with claypot rice at chuen moon kee 銓满记 at mongkok, which is near to our metropark hotel.

HK claypot rice 腊味饭5 25.2.2017

i did my HK claypot rice 腊味饭 on 25.2.2017, the next day after returning from hong kong on 24.2.2017. haha! ^^

it was easy to do…

HK claypot rice 腊味饭5 25.2.2017

i thought it might be quite plain with just sausage, so i steamed some pork ribs (and these were dimsum restaurant standard), and add to the claypot rice.

HK claypot rice 腊味饭5 25.2.2017

the HK claypot rice 腊味饭 was very good indeed, very “pang”, flavourful la!

HK claypot rice 腊味饭5 7.3.2017

HK claypot rice 腊味饭 7.3.2017

i did the claypot rice again on 2.3.2017 for a 3pax dinner with my sis & b-i-l, and again for a 8pax dinner for my OPS friends.

these hong kong liver sausages are just phenomenal, so “pang” – flavourful! the duck liver sausage is quite fantastic. the pork liver is good not as fantastic.

HK claypot rice 腊味饭5 7.3.2017

HK claypot rice 腊味饭 7.3.2017

everyone just loved the dish.

HK claypot rice 腊味饭 2.3.2017

the preparation/recipe is quite simple-

  1. fry cut ginger with chicken fat (or 1tbsp oil) in claypot, add chopped garlic.
  2. add a slice of salted fish, off fire, feel the aroma, remove whole slice of salted fish & set aside.
  3. wash 1.5 cups rice (3pax) & fry in the claypot
  4. (earlier) pour boiling water over 5 small chinese dry mushrooms in a large bowl, cover & leave for 4hours. now cut each mushroom in 5 strips (with or w/o stalk) and add to rice. fry a short while & feel the aroma.
  5. add 1.5cups stock (i used chicken stock, can use mushroom water too) to rice & let it rest till you want to start cooking.
  6. add whole pork & liver sausage (or cut into 2 or 3 large pieces like chuen moon kee 銓满记 (photo further up), and cook for 12mins.
  7. add back the salted fish slice, & garnish with few stalks of coriander.

HK claypot rice 腊味饭 2.3.2017

& voila! so nice, so flavourful, so tasty la!

HK claypot rice 腊味饭 2.3.2017

for the 2.3.2017 preparation, i added 1.3 cups of water to 1.5cups of rice. (remember the washed rice has some wetness & the cut mushrooms also).

drizzling sauce for HK claypot rice 腊味饭 2.3.2017

& because i feel that this preparation is quite plain (having just sausage), i prepare the simple ubiquitous drizzling sauce (which is used to drizzle steamed rice 一口饭 & fun cheung 粉肠 at dimsum restaurants).


HK claypot rice 腊味饭 2.3.2017

HK claypot rice 腊味饭 2.3.2017  (with drizzling sauce)

this very easy to do, and very nice too, so just do it la-

  • 1 tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp (flat) sugar
  • 1 tsp darh soy sauce
  • 6 tbsp water

believe me, this is the sauce you want to make…a perfect condiment to your rice. & if rice is tasty enough, no need to use also.

HK claypot rice 腊味饭 2.3.2017

emptied each & every time la! ^^

HK claypot rice 腊味饭 25.2.2017

a friend asked on facebook whether to cut of not to cut sausage when steaming.

i don’t know also, but i think the sausage is tastier if you don’t cut it.

so for me, for this HK claypot rice 腊味饭 where the sausages are the centrepiece, i put the better quality sausage whole & cut afterwards.

for my usual chicken rice, where sausage is secondary just to complement the chicken, i use the cheaper sausage & cut the sausage to make the rice tastier.

c.h.e.f andy


  • 1.5 cups rice (for 3pax)
  • 1.5 cups water
  • 1.5cm cut ginger
  • 2 tsp chopped garlic
  • chicken fat (or 1tbsp oil)
  • 1 slice salted fish (bottled in brine)
  • 2 duck liver sausage (or 1 large pork liver sausage)
  • 2 pork sausage (or 1 large one)
  • few stalks coriander

for drizzling sauce-


  • 1 tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp (flat) sugar
  • 1 tsp darh soy sauce
  • 6 tbsp water

for steamed pork ribs – see separate post



  1. for steamed pork ribs – see separate post
  2. fry cut ginger with chicken fat (or 1tbsp oil) in claypot, add chopped garlic.
  3. add a slice of salted fish, off fire, feel the aroma, remove whole slice of salted fish & set aside.
  4. wash 1.5 cups rice (3pax) & fry in the claypot
  5. (earlier) pour boiling water over 5 small chinese dry mushrooms in a large bowl, cover & leave for 4hours. now cut each mushroom in 5 strips (with or w/o stalk) and add to rice. fry a short while & feel the aroma.
  6. add 1.5cups stock (i used chicken stock, can use mushroom water too) to rice & let it rest till you want to start cooking.
  7. add whole pork & liver sausage (or cut into 2 or 3 large pieces like chuen moon kee 銓满记 (photo further up), and cook for 12mins.
  8. add back the salted fish slice, & garnish with few stalks of coriander.