Enjoyable Dinner at Il Lido on 12Apr2015

grilled octopus

grilled octopus

had delightful 2pax dinner with wife at il lido on 12.4.2015.^^

had not been to il lido like 5yrs maybe? recently daughter was here & shared photos on family whatsapp, so we decided to come try ourselves after so long. 🙂

il lido terrace

il lido terrace

il lido view

il lido view

il lido view

il lido view

we came just before sundown & sat outdoor. not so humid this evening & really pleasant terrace ambience & wonderful dinner.^^

amuse bouche 1= mushroom cappuccino

amuse bouche 1= mushroom cappuccino

amuse bouche 1= mushroom cappuccino

amuse bouche 1= mushroom cappuccino

we were served 2 amuse bouche.

first was a mushroom cappuccino/foam. there were mushroom bits at the bottom & some balsamic cream & some barley etc on top.  taste was intense, fabulous. texture combination excellent too.

wife said what the server liked to hear, that this was better than jaan’s.

for me though, nothing beats jaan’s cepes mushroom tea amuse bouche. but since jaan’s was taken out of feed at raffles, and i am never going to pay full price for the degustation dinner at jaan, this would be the next best thing, i guess! & its close too!^^

amuse bouche 2

amuse bouche 2

second amuse bouche – crispy cheese risotto…quite ok i guess, but no impressions vs the mushroom foam.

bread basket

bread basket

quite good bread basket.

grilled octopus

grilled octopus

grilled octopus

grilled octopus

we ordered a grilled octopus to share.

it’s pretty good really. octopus was tender (like sous vide). there were some sausages.

prawn & uni tagliolini

prawn & uni tagliolini

for the mains, we basically go with the restaurant favourites & there server’s recommendations, and ordered the scampi & sea urchin taglioni & the black cod, asparagus & sea urchin. both were featured in the degustation set menu. 🙂

prawn & uni tagliolini

prawn & uni tagliolini

prawn & uni tagliolini

prawn & uni tagliolini

the scampi & uni tagliolini was tasty, not intense but subtle & pleasing. tagliolini though was too soft NOT al dente.

it had expensive ingredients like uni but overall taste & experience wise, i would not consider it better than most pastas i do myself.

black cod

black cod

black cod

black cod

black cod was great!

will try the other signature dish, the bone marrow crusted angus beef tenderloin next time.

gelato & sorbet

gelato & sorbet

coconut gelato

coconut gelato

passion fruit sorbet

passion fruit sorbet

we had a passionfruit sorbet & a coconut gelato to share. sorbet was tangy & excellent, gelato no coconut flavours nothing like the delicious coconut ice cream on 雪中情怀mango pomelo dessert we had at tunglok.

dinner cost S$100nett include 1 glass of white.

it’s really quite excellent ambience & food for a couples dinner. 🙂

c.h.e.f andy

Great Value Tasty Food @ Shinyeh on 17Apr2015



had great tasty food in great ambience at shinyeh with wife on 17.4.2015.

not been to shinyeh for a while. used to frequent here quite a bit because of palate discounts before i started blogging & recording (which is why i blog) in mar2013.

last time i came here was when a RI friend organised a 20pax G20 monthly dinner here.



nice ambience & we were seated next to the fountain near the front.^^

chives dumpling

chives dumpling

chives dumplings looked gorgeous.

chives dumpling

chives dumpling

tasted gorgeous too! yum!^^



taiwanese restaurant got to try luroufan卤肉饭la.^^

years ago, when i visited taipei, alone & also with wife, we had the most wonderful luroumian卤肉面at 度小月.

shinyeh’s luroufan卤肉饭 was good. egg was really tasty. braised pork quite good also. i must try this at home. for comparison though, the hong kong steamed chicken feet pork ribs rice, especially at timhowan shamshuipo still better.

yam pastry

yam pastry

yam pastry

yam pastry

wife like this yam pastry. had not taken for many years. still enjoyed it. yam was very good, the pastry though was not crisp & a bit rubbery, so not quite good enough overall.

oysters in black bean sauce

oysters in black bean sauce

oysters in black bean sauce

oysters in black bean sauce

we had never ordered oysters in black bean sauce. probably new menu too. and it was very good. the distinct oyster flavours (& they had loads of them) was excellent balanced by the slight salty sauce & scallions. this would be easy to do at home, can use yellow onions too. 🙂

dried sole with chinese cabbage (excellent)

dried sole with chinese cabbage (excellent)

dried sole with chinese cabbage (excellent)

dried sole with chinese cabbage (excellent)

& the dried sole with chinese cabbage was a great find. menu said 扁鱼sole, so it’s some kind of flat fish. should be able to do this dish at home too, get some proxy for the 扁鱼sole. 🙂

the almost stewed chinese cabbage made the soup dish very sweet & tasty. the dried sole texture was like a fluffy gluten, interesting, good texture, some sweetness not much of special taste. 🙂

overall it was an excellent dinner. overall it was an excellent dinner. service was also very good, polite, attentive, friendly.

and it only cost S$33 net after amex palate 50% discounts for 2pax. would have been lower but apparently the S$4.20 chives dumplings (a cardboard menu on the table) was not included in the palate discounts. not really right as the restaurant did not state that there were menu items & palate discounts applies to all ala carte items.

anyway, chives dumpling was very good, it was just few $ & we were happy with the price for the food we gotten, restaurant also have to make some money la.^^

c.h.e.f quak