Gourmet Carnival Atmosphere @ Savour 2015 on 28Mar2015

entry queue at savour (26-29mar2015)

entry queue at savour (26-29mar2015)

my wife’s friend bought us a pair entry tickets to savour 2015 on 28mar2015.

there was a queue at the entrance at 6pm. the entrance tickets were S$69 for each person and had S$30 stored-value on each ticket. i guess that means entrance fee was S$39. i think we topped up another S$60 each.

i guess i had read about savour but never really paid attention. now that we were going, i kind of read up on the participating restaurants, decided on a few to try.

ku de ta's duck + angus beef S$18

ku de ta’s duck + angus beef S$18

one of the restaurant stalls we were interested was ku de ta.

wife not interested in belly pork (which is so common these days in fine dining), so we picked the sous vide duck + angus beef plate for S$18.

ku de ta's angus beef

ku de ta’s angus beef

beef ok but then we can do anytime. no attraction.

ku de ta kiosk

ku de ta kiosk

ku de ta's duck

ku de ta’s duck

duck pretty good too. again you can buy smoked duck from ntuc, mmmm, even qoo10.

ku de ta kiosk

ku de ta kiosk

certainly competent. no great motivation to go sky high & pay sky high.

crowd at stellar's kiosk

crowd at stellar’s kiosk

the other restaurant stall we wanted to try was stellar at 1-altitutde. used to be on amex palate but seems that no more. i wouldn’t really go there w/o palate discounts.

there was a good crowd. we were early at about 6pm. later the crowd & queue were longer & we did not have enough interest to stand in queue for other food.

stellar's wagyu burger

stellar’s wagyu burger

i thought stellar’s wagyu burger was quite good, and S$18 price was quite fine too. when i was in the queue, a young mother was just ahead of me. she had bought 1 already & was ordering 2 more & telling the server she wanted it more cooked as her young child could not take the medium rare.

bought 1 & ordered 2 more. that gave me some confidence haha!^^

stellar's wagyu burger2

stellar's wagyu burger

stellar’s wagyu burger

wagyu & onions were tasty with simple seasoning. the brioche also quite nice. 1 of my wife’s friend couple came so we shared & had a quarter each. 🙂

stellar's kiosk

stellar’s kiosk

i quite liked this wagyu burger. it’s something that worked for me.^^

savour 2015 ambience

savour 2015 ambience

we were at the open space in front of the F1 pit building.

the flyer in the background.

savour 2015 ambience

savour 2015 ambience

great ambience & vibes!

pea veloute - UK's 2 michelin midsummer house

pea veloute – UK’s 2 michelin midsummer house

we decided to try another stall. this time we picked midsummer house, a UK 2 michelin star restaurant.

pea veloute - UK's 2 michelin midsummer house

pea veloute – UK’s 2 michelin midsummer house

the pea veloute was pretty ok. i think it was S$12. always like pea soup.

UK's 2 michelin midsummer house

UK’s 2 michelin midsummer house

that was our last tasting as we were not attracted to the other food, and the crowd & queue built up after that. 🙂

savour 26-29mar2015

savour 26-29mar2015

view of the stalls below from level 2 of the F1 pit building where the sake & gourmet grocery stalls were located.

japanese yuzu

japanese yuzu

we bought some japanese yuzu. later, i used the skin from 1 yuzu to make a yuzu pepper. very nice!^^

japanese strawberries

japanese strawberries

gourmet vegetables?

gourmet vegetables?

so we didn’t spend much of the S$90 each, and used up all the money buying groceries, like japanese strawberries, yuzu, italian iberico ham etc.

would i come for this again? for myself, probably not. don’t think my wife interested either. with some friends, not so hot but don’t mind doing too. there were other food we could try. 🙂

c.h.e.f andy

Marvellous Robatayaki & Teppanyaki Set Lunch @ Mikuni on 30Mar2015

golden prawns

golden prawns

mikuni has marvellous new robatayaki & teppanyaki lunch sets. it’s a better deal the the regular lunch teppan set, only that you have to sit at the robatayaki table or teppan table.

i went there with my god-sis & daughter of a close friend on 30.3.2015.^^

prawn crackers

prawn crackers

we were served the usual prawn crackers. 🙂

the teppan menu included great dishes like golden prawns, miso cod & australian tenderloin.

the robatayaki set had scallop, mackerel, & kagoshima wagyu & kurobuta robatayaki, and ended with a nishin soba. quite excellent!

i ordered the robatayaki set & the 2 ladies ordered the teppan set.



we had the salad greens with the usual goma (sesame) sauce.

chawan mushi

chawan mushi

and a good chawan mushi too. 🙂

sauce dips

sauce dips

sauce dips & a variety of salt, like yuzu, nori (seaweed) etc.

robatayaki chef doing bbq

robatayaki chef doing bbq

chef doing robatayaki 炉(端)烧.

scallop, fish & asparagus

scallop, fish & asparagus

robatayaki set included hotate (scallop) butter yaki, a mackerel & asparagus.

fish & asparagus

fish & asparagus

fish & asparagus

fish & asparagus

mackerel & asparagus were good.


hotate butter yaki

hotate butter yaki was ok. for me, this preparation though can never compare with pan seared or sashimi.

kagoshima beef & kurobuta robatayaki

kagoshima beef & kurobuta robatayaki

kagoshima beef & kurobuta robatayaki

kagoshima beef & kurobuta robatayaki

there was an excellent kagoshima wagyu skewer.

kagoshima beef & kurobuta robatayaki

kagoshima beef & kurobuta robatayaki

the kurobuta tsukune skewer was tasty too & i like the silky egg yoke dip like in sukiyaki.

nishin soba

nishin soba

the set included a nishin soba. nice. the cured herring was ok & soba was usual, something i like.

teppan set

teppan set

the teppan set had all the favourite dishes like miso cod & golden prawns (top photo).

australian beef tenderloin

australian beef tenderloin

& also the australian tenderloin.^^



excellent taste, the cod, can’t go wrong really.^^

garlic fried rice

garlic fried rice

& it came with a fragrant good wok hae garlic fried rice.

fruit penna cotta

fruit penna cotta

fruit penna cotta

fruit penna cotta

and we all love the penna cotta. really good.

the teppan set would be an easy winner for most diners. both the cod & gold prawns were very good. the robatayaki set had japanese wagyu, but it was a small portion, so overall the teppan set gave much better balance all round.

the lunch set was S$34++pax after 50% feed at raffles (FAR Card) discounts, quite a steal!^^

c.h.e.f andy