Average Food @ Tianbao Restaurant on 18Apr2015

tan tan noodles

tan tan noodles – S$10.80

bought a groupon voucher S$48.80 for S$100 at tianbao restaurant (serving sichuan dimsum) at ngee ann city.

daughter was arranging 4pax dinner on sunday so we decided to use the voucher & made a reservation at tianbao restaurant on 18.4.2015. in the end daughter was held up by her work & we had 3pax dinner.

tianbao restaurant @ ngee ann city level 5

tianbao restaurant @ ngee ann city level 5

place had 2 seatings 5.30pm & 7.30pm. traffic was ok but restaurant was not full when we were there.


xiaolongbao小笼包 – S$9.80

we ordered xiaolongbao, quite ex S$9.80 for 6 if not for the 50% discounts. by comparison, crystal jade lamian xiaolongbao price was about $5 for 4??

and it was S$3 for 5 at joyful palace, albeit that being at clementi food loft, a coffeeshop location.

& both crystal jade & joyful palace’s xiaolongbao were better! these ones had very little soup & the soup & pork were not very tasty.

steamed pork ribs - flour on top?

steamed pork ribs – flour on top? – S$9.80

steamed pork ribs - flour on top?

steamed pork ribs – flour on top? – S$9.80

this steamed pork ribs was the worst dish! it had some “sichuan flour” on top?? really poor dish c/w any steamed pork ribs in any dimsum restaurants. something never to order!

tan tan noodles

tan tan noodles- S$10.80

the tan tan noodles were pretty good. it was not heavy in peanut sauce, there were some at the bottom. there was a bit of meat & overall taste & texture were quite good. this one of the better dishes. 🙂

stewed eggplant

stewed eggplant – S$12.80

the stewed eggplant had good consistency. eggplant was nice, though wife found it a bit sweet, but that was the style of preparation.

steamed egg topped with minced pork sauce

steamed egg topped with minced pork sauce – S$8.60

steamed egg topped with minced pork sauce

steamed egg topped with minced pork sauce – S$8.60

the steamed egg dish was like a sichuan styled chawanmushi, not quite as nice. egg custard was smooth & tasty enough. i didn’t mind the minced pork sauce too. pretty ok dish.

chives dumpling

chives dumpling – S$8.80

chives dumpling

chives dumpling – S$8.80

the chives dumpling was odd. chives were dry & not sweet, skin was rough. the look did not have the fineness of hong kong dimsum & taste & texture were quite off.

seafood taste dumpligs 海味抄手

seafood taste dumpligs 海味抄手 – S$9.80

the seafood taste dumpligs 海味抄手 turned out to be the best dish, alongside the tan tan noodles.

we only know of the usual spicy dumplings or 红油抄手. never heard of  红油抄手. anyway the soup was tasty & the dumplings were like the usual 抄手 but not spicy.^^

osmanthus jelly

osmanthus jelly – S$4.80

osmanthus jelly

osmanthus jelly – S$4.80

the osmanthus belly was an ok dish. a bit sweet.

some mochi dumpling with peanuts

some mochi dumpling with peanuts – S$5

some mochi dumpling with peanuts

some mochi dumpling with peanuts – S$5

some mochi dumpling with peanuts - S$5

some mochi dumpling with peanuts – S$5

the mochi sort of dumplings with peanut was quite poor for me. looked nice enough, but taste wise the 汤圆i bought from giant ( 2 packets x10pieces for S$2.95.) was distinctly better.

total price was S$98.10. we used one S$100 voucher which cost S$48.80, so it was about S$16pax nett. only with the discounts, cannot complain about the price.

but not much shiok factor, say c/w our recent S$33nett 2pax dinner at shin yeh with palate 50% discounts.

c.h.e.f andy