Claypot Rice (my first time) on 17Mar2016

claypot rice (my first time)

claypot rice (my first time)

this the first time i did a claypot rice!

this was inspired by the new lucky claypot rice my RI friend bought me at holland drive food centre recently.

claypot rice (my first time)

claypot rice (my first time)

& so i did my first claypot rice for a 4pax lunch with my OPS (Outram Primary School) classmates on 17.3.30216.

& it was jolly good.

claypot rice

claypot rice

this evening i did the claypot rice again for my wife, daughter & her friend, on 20.3.2016. ^^

frying ginger, garlic, salted fish

frying ginger, garlic, salted fish

frying ginger, garlic, salted fish

frying ginger, garlic, salted fish

fried 2cups rice & added water

fried 2cups rice & added water

of course i searched internet for a recipe. it did not look too difficult.

  1. i fried some chicken fat (veg oil do just as well) in a large claypot, added cut ginger pieces & salted fish & some chopped garlic, fried for short while to get the aroma.
  2. then i removed the salted fish & set aside, added 2 cups of rice & fried.
  3. i then added just less than 2 cups water (to provide for liquid in the marinated chicken so rice would not be wet & soggy), boiled & simmered.
  4. i had some cut chicken (i used 1/2 chicken) marinated with 3 tsp fish sauce, 2 tsp oyster sauce, 2 tsp sesami oil, 1 tsp dark sauce, 2 tsp corn flour for about 2hrs. also sliced 1 pork sausage & 1 liver sausage, and 5 chinese mushrooms.
  5. i set timer for 8 mins, then added the the chicken + sausage to the rice, simmered at low fire.
  6. i reset timer for another 15mins.
  7. lastly i added the shanghai greens + salted fish
1/2 chicken deboned & seasoned

1/2 chicken deboned & seasoned

chicken was nicely seasoned. 🙂

claypot rice

claypot rice

& it came out beautifully, so very tender.

claypot rice

claypot rice

& rice so very fragrant & tasty, the fragrant & smoky aroma wafting in the air, especially as i removed the cover.

and i had good quality pork & liver sausages.

claypot rice

claypot rice

such a beauty. 🙂

claypot rice

claypot rice

for my first time on 17.3.2016, the rice could be just a tag drier, but it was pretty ok as it were.

for this evening on 19.3.2016, the rice was quite perfect.

claypot rice (my first time)

claypot rice (my first time)

we thoroughly enjoyed the claypot rice, and we finished just about everything.

we were saying it must be like 10 to 15yrs since we last had claypot rice (until my freind brought me to new lucky claypot rice one plus week ago on 11.3.2016). we used to go to the stall at chinatown food centre level 2 when the children were very young.

it was quite perfect actually!

c.h.e.f andy


  • 1/2 chicken (i deboned it)
  • 1 sliced salted fish
  • 3cm cut ginger
  • 2 cloves chopped garlic
  • 3 tbsp oil
  • 1 pork sausage sliced
  • 1 liver sausage sliced
  • 5 chinese mushrooms (softened & sliced)
  • 2 bunch shanghai greens
  • 2 cups rice
  • 1.8 cups water

seasoning for chicken:

  • 3 tsp fish sauce
  • 2 tsp oyster sauce
  • 2 tsp sesami oil
  • 1 tsp dark sauce
  • 2 tsp corn flour


  1. i fried some chicken fat (veg oil do just as well) in a large claypot, added cut ginger pieces & salted fish & some chopped garlic, fried for short while to get the aroma.
  2. then i removed the salted fish & set aside, added 2 cups of rice & fried.
  3. i then added just less than 2 cups water (to provide for liquid in the marinated chicken so rice would not be wet & soggy), boiled & simmered.
  4. i had some cut chicken (i used 1/2 chicken) marinated with 3 tsp fish sauce, 2 tsp oyster sauce, 2 tsp sesami oil, 1 tsp dark sauce, 2 tsp corn flour for about 2hrs. also sliced 1 pork sausage & 1 liver sausage, and 5 chinese mushrooms.
  5. i set timer for 8 mins, then added the the chicken + sausage to the rice, simmered at low fire.
  6. i reset timer for another 15mins.
  7. lastly i added the shanghai greens + salted fish

Prawn & Oyster Beehoon (the Crab Beehoon Style)

crab beehoon style prawn beehoon

crab beehoon style prawn beehoon

recently a friend bought 4pax dinner & crab beehoon at seng kee on 1.2.2015.

we were all quite disappointed with the food, especially the crab beehoon which cost S$70 after my friend was given a special discount.

i was thinking, maybe i should cook this myself. it did not look difficult at all.

subsequently i did have a very good S$60 crab beehoon (i think at this price all stalls selling crab beehoon must at least be of this standard) at kamjiazhuang organised by my daughter on 7.2.2015.

crab beehoon style prawn beehoon

crab beehoon style prawn beehoon

anyhow, today i decided to give it a try, on 26.2.2015. ^^

i didn’t have crabs & did not intend to get crabs to experiment, so i did a flavourful stock of prawn heads & shells with salt & oil. (i did the same for my chilli crab pasta w/o crabs).

i fried some chopped shallots, garlic, 2 chilli padi & 1 cm sliced ginger in oil in a wok on medium to a nice aroma. then i added the cleaned chinese cabbage & fried till it softened, and added some fish sauce. i removed the vegetables and added about 200g of beehoon softened in cold water & stir fried a short while. then i added the prawn stock together with the unshelled prawns & turned the fire up to reduce the stock. i added 2tablespoon of oyster sauce & 1 tablespoon of cornflour.

once the stock was reduced and checked for taste & making sure the beehoon was not overcooked, i added the oysters, covered it with the beehoon & off the fire.

& it was ready to serve. voila!

crab beehoon style prawn beehoon

crab beehoon style prawn beehoon

crab beehoon style prawn beehoon

crab beehoon style prawn beehoon

crab beehoon style prawn beehoon

crab beehoon style prawn beehoon

for me the test was –

1. that the shellfish stock flavours were infused into the beehoon (入味)
2. the beehoon are NOT marshy, stick together

i had tasted the dish during cooking, so i knew it was tasty & flavourful & the shellfish stock was properly infused. overall i was quite satisfied with the result, so maybe will try with crab or lobster.

while the current preparation was not really superb, it was still probably better than seng kee’s which was more like a singapore fried beehoon than a crab beehoon.

c/w with kamjiazhuang’s crab beehoon & ming kee’s crab beehoon though, mine was quite some way to go. so let’s see if i can get close using crab instead of prawns.

c.h.e.f andy