Recipe = Shiok! Chinese Herbal Mutton Soup on 13.5.2020

chinese herbal mutton ribs soup3

chinese herbal mutton rib soup

chinese herbal mutton ribs soup

chinese herbal mutton ribs soup

sun kee herbal bkt sachet

sun kee herbal bkt sachet

made mutton ribs soup this evening on 13.5.2020. ^^

the mutton ribs soup was excellent..daughter loved it had a second bowl & several ribs and meats..son back late after work and walloped everything. lol!

mutton was very tender & soup super flavourful and smooth ..i think better than most chinese herbal mutton soup outside

even my favourite chai chuan tou stall at bukit merah view.

jessie bought the mutton ribs for me. it was not cut and i didn’t have chopper so not easy to prepare. quite a bit of fat between ribs and layered meat to remove, cut away and discard.

other than that preparation was straight forward. it was a 1.2kg slab. i used about 800g.

i cleaned with salt, then place in boiling water to remove scum, cleaned and drained on colander.

then placed ribs in boiling water with garlic cloves, shallots, lots of sliced and julienned ginger and red dates, and the sun kee herbal bakuteh sachet. cooked for 1.5hrs. added wolfberries at the end, and 2tbsp light soy sauce to taste.

garnish with coriander.

really straight forward, not much different from cooking bakuteh.

the results was lovely, yummy, shiok mutton ribs soup, so very tasty and enjoyable!

c.h.e.f andy


  • 800g-1kg mutton ribs
  • sun kee herbal bakuteh sachet 360g
  • whole bulb of garlic cloves
  • 5cm ginger 1/2 sliced and 1/2 julienned
  • 5 shallots
  • 30-40 large wolfberries
  • 6 large red dates
  • 2 tbsp light soy sauce


  1. clean mutton ribs with salt, then place in boiling water to remove scum, clean and drain on colander.
  2. place cleaned ribs in boiling water with garlic cloves, shallots, lots of sliced and julienned ginger and red dates, and the sun kee herbal bakuteh sachet.
  3. cooked for 1.5hrs. add wolfberries at the end, and 2tbsp light soy sauce to taste.
  4. garnish with coriander and julienned ginger.

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