Decent Makan @ Kopitiam at SGH on 14Nov2016

yong tau foo

yong tau foo S$3.50

2 of us went to visit a friend in SGH on 14.11.2016.

after that we went to kopitiam for dinner.

there was a queue at the chicken rice stall, just couple guys at the yong tau foo.

it was 7.50pm. not so many items left.

i picked 7 pieces no noodles = S$3.50, decent price.

there were not many “real” yong tau foo ie with fish meat fillings, so i took mostly the fish ball, fish cake, ngoh hiang, only 1 piece of taupok, & chinese cabbage.

cuttlefish was cut so small…

the fish meat filling in the taupok was quite pathetic c/w what i bought at chinatown & cooked myself at home.

look at the ytf i bought from chinatown market basement 1.

the ytf filling (chinatown market ytf stall’s) were good. they were like 3 or 4 times the filling there was in this taupok!

yong tau foo

yong tau foo – S$3.50

other than the limited choice & depleted food items at close to 8pm, the soup & the ytf were quite ok, competent if slightly below expectations.


cold dessert stall

friend bought ytf.

so i went to get cold dessert.

cold chengteng + soursop jelly

cold chengteng S$1.90 + soursop jelly S$2.10

the cheng teng looked to have good ingredients, and so my friend reported.


soursop jelly – S$2.10

my soursop jelly was definitely good standard. nice jelly & great flavours only S$4 for 2.

this very enjoyable!

c.h.e.f andy


kopitiam @ SGH


Singapore General Hospital(SGH), 6 Singapore General Hospital, Level 1, Singapore 169608


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