3 Days of Non-stop Feasting @ Chinese New Year 2015 (19-21Feb2015)

as usual, had a very foodful chinese new year. it was just a spate of continuous eating, meals & snacks. no matter if i skipped meals, as there were continuous munching of snacks to fill the gaps, so weight watching was quite simply a lost cause.

my happy chinese new year blessings to all my friends here


for CNY eve we had our reunion dinner at my elder brother’s place.

this year i made buddha-jump-over-the-wall(BJOTW), 1/2spicy duck 盐水鸭 & using the same marinade, a spicy belly pork.

buddha jump over the wall ingredients

buddha jump over the wall ingredients

buddha jump over the wall ingredients

buddha jump over the wall ingredients

the BJOTW was a poor man’s version. apart from a can of 6 pieces small abalones & good thick mushrooms, the other ingredients were cheap (limpets) and mostly unhealthy (pig trotter, pig ear, belly pork, pig head meat).

look was impressive (top photo), taste was pretty good. but i was not overly impressed with my own effort. there was too much food anyway & didn’t really need more unhealthy food – will skip this next CNY.

pencai 盆菜

pencai 盆菜

pencai 盆菜

pencai 盆菜

my sis brought the pencai 盆菜. flavours was very good, and the small abalones much better than what i had. this year pencai 盆菜very expensive everywhere. hers was a very much cheaper one only S$138 for 6pax.

hoe see fat choy2 蚝屎发菜(好事发财)

hoe see fat choy 蚝屎发菜(好事发财)

hoe see fat choy 蚝屎发菜(好事发财)

hoe see fat choy 蚝屎发菜(好事发财)

my wife made her usual hoe see fat choy 蚝屎发菜(好事发财), and as usual very nice, though the ones she made later on Day2 was even better, tastier.

braised pig stomach

braised pig stomach

my s-i-l’s mom made the braised pig stomach (though nowadays the person actually making it was the helper). this a dish i always like.

char siew & roast pork

char siew & roast pork

my niece made very good char siew & roast pork. she made a small business of it, selling 20kg of the tasty dish over the internet.

my spicy duck 盐水鸭 was good too. it was a lighter version c/w my teochew braised duck. in fact this dish is served as appetiser in shanghai, nanjing, jiangnan locality.

spicy belly pork

spicy belly pork

i used the same spice to do the spicy belly pork. this was ok but not great. i did this again on Day2 & that was miles better!^^

mantis prawn

mantis prawn

chilli mantis prawn & pomfret

chilli mantis prawn & pomfret

my brother bought very large mantis prawns, 5 pieces for S$35. i did not take any. it wasn’t too great also but certainly looked nice. the chilli though was very good, better than most chilli crabs. 🙂



pomfret was usual. i did not try it either, just too much food.

tofu with leeks

tofu with leeks

tofu with leek, and broccoli

tofu with leek, and broccoli

i liked all the vege.

my brother tried eating out for 3 years for CNY eve. we went to joyden (previously called west coast seafood). food was quite good & not too expensive, however with say 13pax or more, it still came to >S$600. all of us cook, so it was so much more fun just to cook some dishes & bring over. i definitely preferred our own homecooked CNY eve dinner. ^^

CNY Day 1

breakfast spread

breakfast spread

again our family tradition, on CNY Day 1, we went over to my brother’s place for breakfast.

hoe see fat choy2 蚝屎发菜(好事发财)

hoe see fat choy 蚝屎发菜(好事发财)

tanhoon fungus

tanhoon fungus

many of the dishes were leftover from CNY eve dinner.

rabbit fish & salmon sashimi

rabbit fish & salmon sashimi

there were too much food on CNY eve, so we kept the prawns for Day1 breakfast, and added the rabbit fish知县鱼 (very sweet) & the salmon sashimi my wife bought (very good too!).

tofu & leeks

tofu & leeks

leftovers from last evening!

mushrooms & greens

mushrooms & greens

& some more vegetables. ^^

CNY Day 2

CNY Day2 is my wife’s tradition. she would invite her brothers & sister & their families (nephews & grand nephews & grand niece).

this year we took a family photo. & there are 26pax + our dog rusty. ^^

i made my usual poached chicken 白斩鸡. this time it was especially good – colour, texture, sweetness! everyone just loved this dish.^^

the miso pork was very good too. this the longest i put in the oven, 8hrs at 90degC/85degC.^^ the result was excellent. the miso marinade gave it excellent flavours & the slow low-temperature braise an excellent texture. i have learned that 90degC is the optimum temperature to convert collagen to tasty gelatine & texture, so this made the miso pork texture & bite really good!

flavoured pork 风味五花肉

flavoured pork 风味五花肉

i did the same for the flavoured pork 风味五花肉, and this was excellent too, with a different sichuan spice marinade.

tanhoon fungus

tanhoon fungus

we had the same tanhoon fungus.

chilli pork ribs

chilli pork ribs

& my helper’s chilli pork ribs.

deepfried chicken wings

deepfried chicken wings

some chicken wigs for the young ones.

funghi linguine

funghi linguine

funghi linguine

funghi linguine

funghi linguine

funghi linguine

for my niece & her husband who are vegetarians, i made a funghi linguine. also for my wife’s sister. it was really good. they all loved it, and there was a bit of leftovers for the nephews.

after that it was my tofu cheese cake & tiramisu, which disappeared in no time.

ice jelly with longans, palm fruits

ice jelly with longans, palm fruits

i especially liked the ice jelly with longans, palm fruits my wife’s sil made. she always bring that for our gatherings. very refreshing. i had several helpings.

c.h.e.f andy

Cheap Enjoyable Dinner @ Keung Kee 强记鸡粥 on 28Sep2013

small mantis prawns in salt & pepper 椒盐濑尿虾

small mantis prawns in salt & pepper 椒盐濑尿虾

this my second time after an enjoyable dinner at Keung Kee 强记鸡粥 on 10.5.2013. we had 5pax this time so we ordered a bit more food.

keong kee 强记鸡粥 (near Tai Wei MTR)

keong kee 强记鸡粥 (near tai wei mtr)

Keung Kee 强记鸡粥 is a short walk from tai wai mtr.  there was a nearer 新强记 just across the mtr station & i did recall some years ago a hk friend mentioned to me to go there, so maybe i will try next trip. 🙂

chicken porridge - very sweet, tasty porridge & lots of chicken

chicken porridge – very sweet, tasty porridge & lots of chicken

roast pigeon

roast pigeon

spicy 田螺 - very nice

spicy 田螺 – very nice

razor clams steamed with minced garlic & tanhoon

razor clams steamed with minced garlic & tanhoon

romaine lettuce with fermented beancurd

romaine lettuce with fermented beancurd

tau you noodles

tau you noodles

the dishes were cheap & good as before.  the signature chicken porridge was very sweet, tasty porridge & lots of chicken. roast pigeon was good but not my favourite. skin was very crisp. meat was well cooked & not juicy. we also ordered the spicy 田螺 – very nicely done though not my favourite shell fish.

i enjoyed the small mantis prawns in salt & pepper 椒盐濑尿虾 a lot this time (top photo) – last time it was just ok. the meat was sweet & tasty though the prawns being small were harder to eat, of course if it were larger mantis prawns it would be even better. this dish only HK$90 c/w HK$500 for 2 large ones at Rainbow Restaurant on Lamma Isalnd.

the razor clams were also nicely done & went very well when spooned with the minced garlic, tanhoon & light soy sauce – just HK$80, even though the flesh is nowhere c/w plump & succulent large ones. so far in HK, we had not had the same excellent razor clams that we had commonly in any singapore seafood restaurants, probably because we didn’t know where to go to have them. btw, i also did a good steamed razor clam in garlic oil myself.

the romaine lettuce with fermented beancurd was a crowd favourite, wok hae & all. something i can target to get my own version up to. 🙂 1 friend wanted the fried noodles. it was ok but nothing to write about.

the dinner came to just HK$495 for 7 dishes for 5pax or about HK$100pax. 🙂

at a nearby nice dessert place

at a nearby nice dessert place

at a nearby nice dessert place

at a nearby nice dessert place

after the immensely satisfying meal, we found a desert corner just round the back. apart from the 杨枝甘露 which was very poor c/w 许留山, the others like my fruit cocktail with glass jelly & the tianjin pear & snow fungus were very refreshing. 🙂

hk tai pai tong 大牌档 is always my favourite. i would try a teochew stall & the soy goose (which a friend staying in hk brought me to many years back) next time. 🙂

c.h.e.f andy

OK but Expensive Seafood @ Rainbow Restaurant Lamma Island on 27Sep2013

油局蟹 - oil or butter baked roe crabs

油局蟹 – oil or butter baked roe crabs

was with a few friends in hong kong over the weekend 27-30.9.2013, mostly just hiking & makan & some shopping. 🙂

a friend booked rainbow restaurant at lamma island which i had also wanted to try. the restaurant offered a private ferry pick-up at central pier no. 9 & also tsimshatsui star ferry pier where we boarded (usually at the private pier no. 5 this time at no. 6). it was quite a fast boat & good fun 30mins ride sitting on the deck level feeling the night breeze & looking at the string of pearl-like lit coastlines & beautiful night skylines of central & repulse bay. 🙂

we were debating how 南丫岛 get to become Lamma Island but soon realised that 南is lam & 丫is ah in cantonese so its like lamah or Lamma Island. 🙂

rainbow seafood restaurant @南丫岛 lamma island hong kong

rainbow seafood restaurant @南丫岛 lamma island hong kong

rainbow seafood restaurant @南丫岛 lamma island hong kong

rainbow seafood restaurant @南丫岛 lamma island hong kong

small lobster at HK$28/tael about S$125/kg kind of ex

small lobster at HK$28/tael about S$125/kg kind of ex

geoduck (pronounced gui-duck) & razor clams

geoduck (pronounced gui-duck) & razor clams

rainbow restaurant occupied the shop lots left & right of sok kwu wan pier. we went to the one on the right (view from pier).

pickled jelly fish & cucumbers

pickled jelly fish & cucumbers

seaweed egg littleneck clams soup

seaweed egg littleneck clams soup

steamed sea prawns

steamed sea prawns

2 large mantis prawns in salt & pepper 椒盐濑尿虾

2 large mantis prawns in salt & pepper 椒盐濑尿虾

we were served (and charged) a pickled jelly fish & cucumber plate, which was good. the seaweed egg littleneck clams (la la) soup was quite good though 1 friend said it was not as good as before. the steamed sea prawns was excellent, really sweet & fresh. the mantis prawns (2 large ones) in salt & pepper 椒盐濑尿虾 was good too. most friends liked this, some felt a bit salty. i was ok with it – meat was sweet stuck a little to shell. the last one i had at chung cuisine at times square was much better though, and the ones we had at Keong Kee the next day was small but also good & a lot cheaper. 🙂

the 油局蟹 (oil or butter baked roe crabs) at the top photo. we had wanted 黄油蟹 yellow roe crab famous in hk & south china. there weren’t any & the stall recommended this which was a poor substitute roe-wise, the crab meat though was very sweet & compact – i liked it but price was ex.

spicy fried razor clams 聖子

spicy fried razor clams 聖子

garlic steamed venus clams with tanhoon 蒜茸贵妃蚌

garlic steamed venus clams with tanhoon 蒜茸贵妃蚌

garlic fried kailan

garlic  fried kailan

we had wanted the larger razor clams 蒜茸蒸garlic steamed. unusually, the seller was more insistent than us that it was better fried & we should have the venus clams garlic steamed instead, so we picked the smaller ones, feeling that it was a waste for the large clams. i quite liked this dish, though would have preferred large ones garlic steamed. it was still better than the garlic steamed razor clams at Keong Kee the next day though this was a lot more ex. so far in HK, we had not had the same excellent razor clams that we had commonly in any singapore seafood restaurants, probably because we didn’t know where to go to have them. btw, i also did a good steamed razor clam in garlic oil myself.

i not much into the garlic steamed venus clams with tanhoon 蒜茸贵妃蚌. it was quite good but never a favourite with me, should have insisted on large bamboo clams. 🙂 a friend loved the garlic fried kailan (just like me, i like all vege in hk). 🙂

very sweet pineapples & melons

very sweet pineapples & melons

ginger syrup tau huay

ginger syrup tau huay

the fruits, particularly the pineapples, were very sweet. a friend went over to the neighbour stall to get ginger syrup tau huay. it was very good & smooth. 🙂

the dinner came to about HK$2300 for 7pax = HK$330. i felt it was rather ex for the food we ordered in a hk seafood restaurant. another friend said he had much better at lei yue mun 鲤鱼门. anyway it was a very pleasant, relaxed & enjoyable evening, night breeze in the hair, string of pearl-like litted coastlines & beautiful night skylines, great company & food. i will definitely come back but, as with any restaurants, will need to pick the right dishes. 🙂

c.h.e.f andy