RI OPS Bros 6pax Homecooked Lunch on 19Jul2022

make 6pax RI & OPS bros lunch on 19.7.2022.^^

  1. bkt aussie prime ribs
  2. 白斩鸡& chicken rice
  3. hwa garden style claypot garoupa fish head
  4. 蒜泥白肉
  5. sambal kang kong

aussie pork ribs so good..more marbling and tasty…though it is true not all aussie pig are castrated unlike Indonesian and hence have “boar taint”…but this bit no smell leh..

my 白斩鸡& chicken rice always good, especially with homemade chilli..very nice

蒜泥白肉 today mala hawthorn sauce a bit dilute & not thickened enuf…added some more when finishing haha!

hwa garden style claypot garoupa fish head a bit mediocre mainly the gravy need to improve the taste

sambal Kang kong quite standrad..good taste…

nice 哥们lunch with good friends and bros。。

c.h.e.f andy

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