Shau Kei Wan Street Wet Market on 12Jan2016

shau kei wan market

shau kei wan market

after <2hr walk at dragon’s back, we took the no. 9 back to shau kei wan bus terminus on 12.1.2016.

shau kei wan market

shau kei wan market

shau kei wan market3

shau kei wan market

it was 2pm. we were hungry. but the guys didn’t mind walking one round the street market.

there were dry good stalls (top photo)….

shau kei wan market

shau kei wan market

all kinds of fishes, include flat fish (turbot?) & sotongs…

shau kei wan market

shau kei wan market

shau kei wan market2

vegetables, hongkong’s the best! freshest!

shau kei wan market

shau kei wan market

& lobsters, flower crabs, and clams & small geoduck (pronounced “gui” duck).

shau kei wan market

shau kei wan market

there were la las, manila clams & razor clams 圣子…

shau kei wan market

shau kei wan market

& the big conchs 海螺. they made great soups, a common dish in hong kong – the conch soup 海螺汤.

shau kei wan market

shau kei wan market

& my favourites, the braised items, 鲁味….

if i were with my sis, we would buy back some & eat at the hotel…haha! 🙂

after the market, we took the mtr to tin hau, where we had a good late lunch at 鱼宝食馆!

c.h.e.f andy

Lunch Daipaidong Discovery @ Yue Bo 鱼宝 on 12jan2016

the best ngau lam 牛腩

the best ngau lam 牛腩

after a 2hr hike at the dragon’s back with magnificient views & fresh air, and a tour of the wet market at shau kei wan bus terminus, we renewed our search for new daipaidongs.

i read about 民声冰室 i thefoodcray & the photos looked great

the bad tai yun 泰源 experience still fresh in our minds but there was no chance we would repeat that,,,haha!

on the way to 民声冰室 from tin hau station

on the way to 民声冰室 from tin hau station

getting out of tin hau station 天后, we took the fire dragon path alongside causeway bay sports ground.

on the way to 民声冰室 from tin hau station

on the way to 民声冰室 from tin hau station

& proceeded to wun sha street 浣纱街.



found 民声冰室no problem..but then it was closed.

it was 3pm. lunch over liao & they open at 6pm.



we were uncertain about the neighbour stall 鱼宝食馆 so we walked around the place but there was only a cha chan ten 茶餐厅 some fishball noodles shop 鱼蛋面, so no choice we ended up back to 鱼宝食馆.

we were seated 6 on a table on the walkway when a policeman appeared. proprietress was quick to get us to stand up. there was no food on the table yet. she said “keng kai” meaning “o..they were just chatting”.

it was illegal to seat on the side street/walkways/alfresco & the proprietress later “吐苦水” to us, that she paid a high rent expecting to do alfresco. the shop itself hardly have place for 1 table, so how to do business?

鱼宝食馆 menu

鱼宝食馆 menu

i was mostly attracted by the ngau lam 牛腩 (top photo) but they do have some items on their menu that we didn’t mind trying.

ginger sauce chicken 姜汁鸡

ginger sauce chicken 姜汁鸡 HK$208

proprietress recommended the ginger sauce chicken 姜汁鸡 HK$208. it was not bad, nothing special or outstanding but a nice tasty chicken (like our samsui chicken, think soup restaurant) for 6 hungry men (3pm!)

dessert shop used by 鱼宝

dessert shop used by 鱼宝

since there was no place to sit at all in the shop, the proprietress managed to get us seated at her neighbour dessert shop which was closing (unfortunately we couldn’t have dessert after lunch).

salted fish minced pork咸鱼饼

salted fish minced pork咸鱼饼

we had the salted fish minced pork咸鱼饼.

salted fish minced pork咸鱼饼

salted fish minced pork咸鱼饼

this was good. we will be having this on wednesday 20.1.2016, my version, 6 of us at my place. ^^

black beans bittergourd with kurobuta

black beans bittergourd with kurobuta

we ordered also the black beans bittergourd with kurobuta 黑猪肉.

nice dish, and kurobuta was tender.

black beans bittergourd with kurobuta

black beans bittergourd with kurobuta

black beans bittergourd a common zi char dish. my cantonese friend claimed it’s common cantonese dish & i claimed it’s teochew. haha! 🙂

i am also going to do this on 20.1.2016, but w/o the black beans & just using sweet beans to stir-fry with a sous vide pork collar, basically a double-cooked pork 回锅肉.

lettuce with fermented beancurd腐乳生菜

lettuce with fermented beancurd腐乳生菜

& we had a lettuce with fermented beancurd腐乳生菜 . it’s good. i am going to use romaine lettuce 油麦菜which is better. 🙂

lotus leaf steamed rice with garlic prawns 荷叶鲜虾蒸饭

lotus leaf steamed rice with garlic prawns 荷叶鲜虾蒸饭

& we had a lotus leaf steamed rice with garlic prawns 荷叶鲜虾蒸饭. i was thinking not much taste right?

but i was wrong. it was very tasty. i tried making this last night, passable not not tasty like theirs. i will adjust a bit. 🙂

the best ngau lam meen 牛腩面

the best ngau lam meen 牛腩面

the ngau lam meen 牛腩面 i think is the best i had in hong kong thus far. ^^

the best ngau lam meen 牛腩面

the best ngau lam meen 牛腩面

the meat was so very flavourful, and the soup very intense & tasty. we shared one at first just to try then we ordered 2 more bowls.

hong kong’s ngau lam 牛腩 is just so good that we all did not order the tendon & stomach, all 3 bowls were ngau lam meen 牛腩!

i am quite happy to find this place. like my friend said, they depended a lot on take-out 外卖as no seating for customers. and the prices were not expensive but also not cheap, but quality was good so customers would return.

i would not see this as a great find, other zi char dishes like steamed fish (they would not have live fish) & seafood were untested or unlikely to be better than bigger daipaidongs. still i would not mind to try 民声冰室 & also this stall again the next time round. 🙂

c.h.e.f andy