Tea Smoked Duck Breast

medium rare tea smoked duck breast - 12.4.2016

medium rare tea smoked duck breast – 12.4.2016

experimented on tea smoked duck breast on 2 occasions recently! ^^

first was oddly for the 5pax vegetarian dinner for my wife’s friends (which she does meditation with) on 12.4.2016.

i made a 4-course all vegetarian meal. wife thought we should add some protein since only 1 person is vegetarian. so i made a mock kurobuta & a medium rare tea smoked duck.

both were quite excellent that evening. 🙂

2 expereinc with duck breast previously –

  1. i do a good carnard a l’orange (duck in orange sauce) too. that though was a different recipe & not smoked.
  2. i also did a tea smoked duck fettucine previously but that time the breast was kind of too well done.
cinnamon bark, star anise, cloves, tea, rice, brown sugar for smoking

cinnamon bark, star anise, cloves, tea, rice, brown sugar for smoking

for the preparation, i used an internet recipe i saw some time back-

  • add 3 star anise 1 cinnamon bark 1 tbsp brown sugar 1 tbsp rice 1 packet tea leaves on aluminium foil on a stainless steel oven-proof pan
  • place duck breast on rack above foil (this time i bought a 200g ready fresh duck breast from sheng shiong for S$2.80)
  • heat pan till smokes & roll up aluminium foil to trap smoke inside..for 10mins
  • place pan in oven at 90degC for 1/2hr…repeat ie reheat pan to smoke every 1/2 hr (i did twice for medium rare, 3 times for medium)
after smoking

after smoking

aroma was excellent during smoking & afterwards.

after smoking

after smoking

duck breast is ready for crackling – frying to crisp the skin.. 🙂

gordon ramsay's cold pan method

gordon ramsay’s cold pan method

i used gordon ramsay’s cold pan method.

(i did this again on 267.4.2016. this time i did the smoking longer ie 3times for medium)

gordon ramsay's cold pan method - rendering out the fat

gordon ramsay’s cold pan method – rendering out the fat

place the smoked duck breast skin down on a cold non-stick pan w/o any oil & start low fire.

what it does is that the heat has time to slowly rendered out the fat. when fat is almost totally rendered out the skin is then able to crackle.

(sprinkle sea salt & black pepper over the duck breast & add herbs if desired).

medium tea smoked duck breast

medium tea smoked duck breast

it takes about 9mins.

medium tea smoked duck breast

medium tea smoked duck breast

the fat was almost totally rendered out, leaving just a thin skin so it could crackle.

now let the duck rest for 10mins.

tea smoked duck breast - 27.4.2016

tea smoked duck breast – 27.4.2016

& it was easy to cut.

tea smoked duck breast - 27.4.2016

tea smoked duck breast – 27.4.2016

place skin down & cut through to the skin.

medium rare tea smoked duck breast - 12.4.2016

medium rare tea smoked duck breast – 12.4.2016

i personally like the medium rare better (top & above photos).

and i was able also to cut easily with skin side up as i was cutting thicker slices that time.

it’s a wonderful dish. smokey tea flavours, crispy skin & tender, moist medium rare meat. quite excellent.

it was good experiment for me, lots of fun, though personally i may not usually want to spend the time doing the smoking. it works for small family meals & maybe with just 4 or 5 friends, not so convenient for large group – would be tedious & take the fun out of it.

c.h.e.f andy

Homemade Chirashi Don & Beef Don on 6Mar2016

homemade chirashi don

homemade chirashi don

wife went on skiing trip with a friend at rusutsu hokkaido, and brought back some fresh sashimi.

we made a japanese don dinner this evening on 6.3.2016. ^^

chawanmushi 茶碗蒸

chawanmushi 茶碗蒸

i used my usual chawanmushi 茶碗蒸 recipe. 🙂

2cups water. add 2tsp mirin, 2tsp light soy sauce, 1tsp sugar (basically to taste) & whisked with 3 eggs. steam for 15mins. & that’s it!

chawanmushi 茶碗蒸

chawanmushi 茶碗蒸

i did not have prawns & decided not to use chicken breast. instead i marinated with fish sauce & white pepper some frozen hokkaido scallops (not sashimi grade) & also some cheap sutchi white fish fillet.

uni - sea urchin

uni – sea urchin

the uni was super sweet, melt in the mouth, lingering..

hotate - scallops

hotate – scallops

hotate also very sweet & with the wonderful slight gummy texture, the best!

ikura - salmon roe

ikura – salmon roe

ikura slight salty…bursting with flavours…

atlantic surf clams

atlantic surf clams

was surprised by the atlantic surf clams…the ones i remembered taking in singapore were the frozen kind, dry with little taste. these ones were tender & sweet. not in the league of uni & hotate though, for me.

angus beef ribeye medium rare

angus beef ribeye medium rare

i did an angus ribeye using my recent oven method – this one 2 hrs at 60degC then chargrilled 1 minute on each side.

homemade chirashi don

homemade chirashi don

the chirashi don was just wonderful & the beef too.

c.h.e.f andy

Wonderful Evening, Good Friend, Sumptuous Dinner @ ME.OUE on 9Jun2015

scallop carpaccio with veloute

scallop carpaccio with veloute

had a wonderful dinner with a close friend at me@oue on 9.6.2015. ^^

this dinner was postponed for more than a month from before his birthday & my cornwall trip 7-18.5.2015.

view of MBS from me@oue

view of MBS – marina bay sands from me@oue

we were booked for 6.30pm, so great views of MBS & marina bay before nightfall.

we had a great table right by the window. anyway, you can just walk outside to the terrace, and marina bay front opens up before you!^^

me @ oue

me @ oue

a shot of the inside.

squid ink brioche2 squid ink brioche

we started with warm squid ink brioche. i had mine broken into bite size pieces before i remembered & assembled them for the photo. haha! 🙂

table decor - flower

table decor – flower

there was a soothing table decor.

scallop carpaccio with veloute

scallop carpaccio with veloute

we decided to order japanese ohmi wagyu A4 striploin to share & a red lobster each. so was picking an appetiser to share.

scallop carpaccio with veloute

scallop carpaccio with veloute

i already had the tuna tartare the last time here. we settled on a scallop carpaccio served on some veloute topped with caviar.

scallop carpaccio with veloute

scallop carpaccio with veloute

must say the scallop carpaccio was top grade sashimi, very sweet & tasty. there were 5 slices. the veloute was good too.

red lobster - done chilli crab style

red lobster – done chilli crab style

the red lobster, which was done chilli crab style arrived, together with deep-fried man tou.

red lobster - done chilli crab style

red lobster – done chilli crab style

surprised, i pointed out to the server that the last time i had the red lobster here, it was a full lobster & not 1/2 lobster.

he replied that indeed it was a full lobster & he had it split for us so that each of use was served a 1/2 lobster on individual plate instead of sharing it with 1 man tou.

so the server misunderstood our order, quite understandably. we were very pleased with the excellent service.

ohmi A4 wagyu striploin

ohmi A4 wagyu striploin

likewise he split for us the ohmi A4 wagyu striploin, done the recommended medium rare. ^^

ohmi A4 wagyu striploin

ohmi A4 wagyu striploin

wagyu was 200g, so after split, it was still a sizeable portion, served separately with sides (jalapeño chilli, leek, king oyster mushroom, cherry tomato) & 4 dip sauces. excellent food, superb service! 🙂

ohmi A4 wagyu striploin

ohmi A4 wagyu striploin

ohmi is among the top 3 japanese wagyu, the other 2 being matsuzaka & kobe.

it was very nicely marbled & flavourful, excellent grilling & medium rare. most enjoyable!

lobster risotto

lobster risotto

we wondered about ordering a second red lobster as initially intended.

lobster was nice, still chilli crab style was not my favourite & it was a large lobster (maybe 650g), so 1/2 was a big enough portion & the “mistake” suited us well, probably wouldn’t want a second order.

lobster risotto

lobster risotto

we picked through the menu with the very helpful & professional server, and decided on the lobster risotto.

lobster risotto

lobster risotto

the risotto was excellently al dente, though al dente risotto is not my friend’s favourite. the crustacean stock was very tasty & intense but a tad too salty.

for myself, i prefer the crustacean stock to be tempered with vegetable stock to give much more balanced sweet flavours. 🙂

lobster was plentiful. i believe they did use a full lobster & split into 1/2 & served individually to us.

MBS - Marina Bay Sands

MBS – Marina Bay Sands

beautiful photo of MBS – marina bay sands.

my friend has expensive camera & takes great photos. he was quite busy getting out to the terrace to capture the magic hour.

marina bay

marina bay

another beautiful shot of marina bayfront. 🙂

we had a great time watching the laser display & music by MBS & the great views from the terrace.

dinner was S$195 after 50% amex palate discounts for 2, for such an excellent meal with 2 lobsters, ohmi wagyu & scallops carpaccio in wonderful company. be back for more!^^

c.h.e.f andy

Good Value Saga Wagyu 佐贺和牛 6-course Set @ Superstar on 5Apr2015

japanese wagyu

saga wagyu 佐贺和牛

what was very good value but perhaps not the best in culinary sophistication was the premium saga wagyu 6-course dinner set we had at the flagship stall of the superstar group restaurant on 5.4.2015.

there was uncertainty from the beginning that this what looked like a very traditional chinese kind of restaurant could manage a wagyu steak well. superstar group do have teppanya & 燒肉牛蔵(和牛專門店yakiniku gyukura restaurants, so initially i booked yakiniku gyukura but they replied that the wagyu set was only served in 2 superstar restaurants & recommended their flagship at tsim sha tsui mansion at nathan road.

premium wagyu 6-course set

premium saga wagyu 佐贺和牛 6-course set

there was nothing to fault really about the menu & quality of ingredients. the preparation & presentation though was not quite the best.

geoduck sashimi

geoduck sashimi

wife wanted to go light after too much eating & decided not to take the set, and instead just ordered a mirugai (geoduck) sashimi. it was good. not a big portion, can’t remember now but probably hk$298.

geoduck sashimi was sweet & succulent, but it was a small geoduck clam, so it was nearer the ends & did not have the large inside flesh that the excellent if expensive geoduck platter we had at  budaoweng 不倒翁 hotpot at isquare.

crispy roast chicken

crispy roast chicken

& the restaurant gave us a fee 1/2 roast chicken, apparently for any spending above hk$200. not the best chicken, still it was pretty good.

crystal pork & tofu

crystal pork & tofu

set started with crystal pork 肴肉& deep-fried tofu. both were competent in look & taste for a good chinese restaurant. tofu was crispy outside & silky inside. 🙂

sharksfin soup

sharksfin soup

sharkskin with compoy & fishmaw was average, not the standard of good chinese restaurant sharkskin soup.

japanese wagyu

japanese wagyu

the main draw was the japanese saga wagyu 佐贺和牛. they were pricing it at a special hk$308 for 100g & hk$498 for the set.

we asked for medium rare, which according to them was 五分熟 50% cooked. it came about medium rare to rare. beef was very marbled. the piece looked bigger than 100g. anyway japanese saga wagyu at about S$55/100g was a good price.

it was indeed a very good steak, good marbling melt in the mouth. i felt though that somehow the temperature was not right. it was not charred enough (not enough maillard reaction to impart the flavours) & the meat felt like steamed, somehow the marbling, fragrant flavours were not quite there.

don’t know but just did not have the memorable “wowed-over” feeling that we had at imahan hakata at fukuoka!

nor also the excellent A4 ohmi wagyu at me@oue.

my own chargrilled wagyu steak

for comparison, my own chargrilled wagyu steak

well, it was not even as flavourful as my own chargrilled wagyu steak! (above photo).

maybe belief is important? lack of belief affects taste. don’t know!

stonefish soup

stonefish soup

stonefish soup was very tasty. it was their signature dish. as a accompanying side dish for a premium wagyu 6-course set, i thought it was very good. not sure it could be consider a top signature dish standalone.

stonefish soup

minced wagyu fried rice

the minced wagyu beef fried rice was to me also average though son thought it was very good. i thought it did not have the same wok hae & intense flavours like-

the unagi chahan (fried rice say) at either zen OR en japanese dining; nor

the fragrant spicy fried rice at crystal jade lamian xiaolongbao.

baked lotus paste sago

baked lotus paste sago

the baked lotus paste sago was a attempted fusion dessert dish. hmmm…i would prefer a creme brûlée or portugese egg tart the ones at marco polo continental club lounge was exquisite!

will i go back again??? i wonder myself….

on paper, this should be a very good deal. but actually i can do without the other dishes (nothing much there to miss really) and just take the wagyu at hk$308. still hk$308 is a bit of money, and not sure i want to leave my fate with the chef and hope for a hk$308 wagyu to turn out for the best. hmmm…

c.h.e.f andy