Tea Smoked Duck Breast

medium rare tea smoked duck breast - 12.4.2016

medium rare tea smoked duck breast – 12.4.2016

experimented on tea smoked duck breast on 2 occasions recently! ^^

first was oddly for the 5pax vegetarian dinner for my wife’s friends (which she does meditation with) on 12.4.2016.

i made a 4-course all vegetarian meal. wife thought we should add some protein since only 1 person is vegetarian. so i made a mock kurobuta & a medium rare tea smoked duck.

both were quite excellent that evening. 🙂

2 expereinc with duck breast previously –

  1. i do a good carnard a l’orange (duck in orange sauce) too. that though was a different recipe & not smoked.
  2. i also did a tea smoked duck fettucine previously but that time the breast was kind of too well done.
cinnamon bark, star anise, cloves, tea, rice, brown sugar for smoking

cinnamon bark, star anise, cloves, tea, rice, brown sugar for smoking

for the preparation, i used an internet recipe i saw some time back-

  • add 3 star anise 1 cinnamon bark 1 tbsp brown sugar 1 tbsp rice 1 packet tea leaves on aluminium foil on a stainless steel oven-proof pan
  • place duck breast on rack above foil (this time i bought a 200g ready fresh duck breast from sheng shiong for S$2.80)
  • heat pan till smokes & roll up aluminium foil to trap smoke inside..for 10mins
  • place pan in oven at 90degC for 1/2hr…repeat ie reheat pan to smoke every 1/2 hr (i did twice for medium rare, 3 times for medium)
after smoking

after smoking

aroma was excellent during smoking & afterwards.

after smoking

after smoking

duck breast is ready for crackling – frying to crisp the skin.. 🙂

gordon ramsay's cold pan method

gordon ramsay’s cold pan method

i used gordon ramsay’s cold pan method.

(i did this again on 267.4.2016. this time i did the smoking longer ie 3times for medium)

gordon ramsay's cold pan method - rendering out the fat

gordon ramsay’s cold pan method – rendering out the fat

place the smoked duck breast skin down on a cold non-stick pan w/o any oil & start low fire.

what it does is that the heat has time to slowly rendered out the fat. when fat is almost totally rendered out the skin is then able to crackle.

(sprinkle sea salt & black pepper over the duck breast & add herbs if desired).

medium tea smoked duck breast

medium tea smoked duck breast

it takes about 9mins.

medium tea smoked duck breast

medium tea smoked duck breast

the fat was almost totally rendered out, leaving just a thin skin so it could crackle.

now let the duck rest for 10mins.

tea smoked duck breast - 27.4.2016

tea smoked duck breast – 27.4.2016

& it was easy to cut.

tea smoked duck breast - 27.4.2016

tea smoked duck breast – 27.4.2016

place skin down & cut through to the skin.

medium rare tea smoked duck breast - 12.4.2016

medium rare tea smoked duck breast – 12.4.2016

i personally like the medium rare better (top & above photos).

and i was able also to cut easily with skin side up as i was cutting thicker slices that time.

it’s a wonderful dish. smokey tea flavours, crispy skin & tender, moist medium rare meat. quite excellent.

it was good experiment for me, lots of fun, though personally i may not usually want to spend the time doing the smoking. it works for small family meals & maybe with just 4 or 5 friends, not so convenient for large group – would be tedious & take the fun out of it.

c.h.e.f andy

Nonya Curry Chicken – 7th Teban Gardens Community Breakfast on 4Mar2016

this morning i made nonya curry chicken. ^^

this my 7th friday breakfast community meal at teban gardens community service centre (CSC).

i first started doing a community meal dish for teban gardens CSC on 8.1.2016.

the centre was started in 2002 after much effort & challenge by our RI friend who is a pastor of pasir panjang hill brethren church (pphbc) which owns & runs the CSC.

i used my usual nonya curry chicken recipe here.

for this recipe, i don’t use curry powder but make the curry paste from scratch.

so last evening, i made the paste, deboned 2×1.5kg chicken, & boiled the bones of 1 chicken with 1 cut carrot, 1/2 cut radish in crockpot to make stock for this morning.

this morning i fried the cinnamon bark, star anise, clove & curry leaves in 2 tbsp oil, added the curry paste & fried till fragrant, then added the deboned chicken & coated them. then added 2 cups of chicken stock & covered, lowered fire & boiled for 10mins (20mins if not deboned). then i removed the chicken & boiled the cut taupok & potatoes for 15mins, till taupok was soft & soaked with curry but not falling apart, & potatoes broke in 2 when pressed with a fork – just right & not overcooked.

it was a wonderful tasting dish, incredible aroma & taste.

yum yum!



love the taupok too, and the potatoes also very tasty, just don’t take much for the carbs la…

of course the potatoes & taupok need not be cooked separately, but 2 chicken in a pot was quite a lot to manage & i wanted to make sure the chicken were tender & not overcooked, and likewise the taupok & potatoes, so easier to manage them separately la…

c.h.e.f andy