Fun Scrumptious Homecooked dinner at OPS Primary Schoolmate’s Place on 6Jun2016

OPS friend's homegourmet makan

OPS friend’s homegourmet makan

my OPS primary school mate invited 6 of us for dinner on 6.6.2016. ^^

including his family of 4, we had 10pax.

OPS friend's homegourmet makan

OPS friend’s homegourmet makan

i was 15mins late, last to arrive. it was raining cats & dogs & my GPS actually led me astray (strange!) & i passed the KJE exit, hesitated as google map showed the next exit. stopped by on the road shoulder to check the map. it was clearly wrong & i U-turned at mandai exit to get back.

after that was ok except that i passed micasa condo instead of turning into CCK ave3, so had to again U-turn back.

should have checked the map clearly instead of just relying on google directions w/o a mental register of the location.

friend's fish head curry lagi shiok!

friend’s fish head curry lagi shiok!

my friend made a good curry chicken. i had it twice most recently at another bigger OPS primary schoolmates makan & chill session on 21.5.2016 at another friend’s place.

just sidetrack a bit – i said in that blog post “little did we know what our friends were capable of. the food were absolutely better than eat out or catered – no question la!^^”

this first time i tried his other dishes.

the fish head curry was excellent! quite unique, some special nonya flavours, must get recipe from him la..

another friend kapo my fish eyes when i was not looking! now got competition liao…just kidding haha! 🙂

friend son's cereal prawns

friend son’s cereal prawns

friend’s 24yr old son made cereal prawns.

it was good standard! taste was good (which is key), prawns fresh & shell crispy enough. i ate with the shell.

really not bad for a young man. i tried cooking this dish only once 2 years back, not as good as this. yet to try it since.

braised chicken

braised chicken

braised chicken was a good comfort food. one friend said she didn’t take thighs.



bakuteh was another good comfort food, and it’s also easy to make. the prime ribs were fork tender (we had a private T-rex joke 🙂 …).

i actually prefer pork ribs & pork in general to have a bit more bite myself, but most people would love it fork tender. i took a second piece. this was softer than the first so i liked the first more.

french beans to hae bee nonya style

french beans to hae bee nonya style

i think this dish was french beans. & i heard something about minced haebee (dried prawns)…probably chatting other things, forgot to ask. will find out later.

french beans to hae bee nonya style

french beans to hae bee nonya style

most importantly it was very tasty, also some nonya taste.

maoshanwang 猫山王

maoshanwang 猫山王 – S$15/kg

a friend brought durians for tiong bahru, like 2 maoshanwang 猫山王 – S$15/kg, 2 red prawns 红虾 – S$13/kg, and 2 D13 – S$12/kg. must have cost him S$140, so costly to eat durians in singapore nowadays.

but….everyone is buying more not less durians. maybe 1 of us should start a durian stall la, like ah seng at ghim moh…

maoshanwang 猫山王

maoshanwang 猫山王 – S$15/kg

one friend must have been waiting for durians the whole dinner, proclaiming it the highlight of the evening.

what was she thinking? not politically correct la…dinner was the highlight of the evening…haha! i sense she going to hammer me liao….

just kidding la… we lucky folks had 2 highlights in one evening. lol!!!

moral of the story = we must have more durian parties!

red prawn 红虾

red prawn 红虾 – S$13/kg

for me MSW was the best.

the red prawns & D13 were very good though, and all agreed the MSW was actually not as good as some better ones we had tried. still for me, not the best MSW still better than the best red prawn & D13, so creamy & tasty.


D13 – S$12/kg

the D13 was also very good. my friend’s daughter preferred it the most, though she said the red prawns also very good after she had taken the MSW.

another friend's konnyaku jelly

another friend’s konnyaku jelly

another friend brought the konnyaku jelly. she brought last time also at the bigger makan & chill on 21.5.2016.

another friend's bachang

another friend’s bachang

she also brought bachang.

one friend, mama mia, took 2 bachang before dinner (although it could be other friends teasing him & he only took 1 before dinner…don’t know who to trust these days & when it is banter & when serious…hahaha!)

he said it was better than his mother’s. don’t know what he would have said to girls when he was younger. lol!!! i learned the words “just kidding” from this friend…

another friend's bachang

another friend’s bachang

i took one. i was already really full, but it was ok.

a fun evening with good friends. all these began only end of 2015 when a primary schoolmate visited from USA. we have been spending lots of time together ever since, thanks to group whatsapp, daily chat & greetings.

i really enjoyed it!

c.h.e.f andy


2 thoughts on “Fun Scrumptious Homecooked dinner at OPS Primary Schoolmate’s Place on 6Jun2016

  1. Pingback: Good Dinner @ Jin Hock Seafood Tampines 844 Coffeeshop on 9Jun2016 | c.h.e.f

  2. Pingback: Great Fun Homecooked Lunch for OPS Primary School Friends on 8Jul2016 | c.h.e.f

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